0.3.3 - Adapting to the removal of "linum-mode" — 2023-12-02
linum-mode was removed from Emacs 27. This update prevents sanemacs from calling linum-mode if it does not exist. This fixes the issue of Emacs hanging when started as a daemon on newer versions of Emacs.
0.3.2 - Not hardcoding Emacs config directory — 2022-11-07
Not hardcoding the Emacs config directory. Github issue
0.3.1 - Sane undo tree — 2022-04-04
Made undo tree not create files in your working directory by default
0.3.0 - More sane tweaks! — 2020-06-27
gc-cons-threadhold for performance
sane backward kill word behavior
backward kill without copy to clipboard
right-click context menu
reload-config interactive function
Cleaned up the file backups behaviorc
Auto revert mode on by default
line numbers now show up in the terminal in programming modes
Emacs has been plagued with a pretty horrible bug recently, rendering it broken by default. The “Failed to download ‘GNU’ archive” error. (As described here). Now, Sanemacs users do not have to worry about this. 😃
Added a changelog to the website
Added an RSS feed for the changelog. Subscribe to this to keep track of the latest updates! Link to RSS feed
Step #1: Download sanemacs.el
The first step is to download sanemacs.el and put it into your Emacs configuration directory.
After you have downloaded sanemacs.el, all that's left to do is load it up in your config!
(load"~/.emacs.d/sanemacs.el"nilt);;; Your configuration goes below this line.;;; use-package is already loaded and ready to go!;;; use-package docs: https://github.com/jwiegley/use-package
The general rule of keybindings added by Sanemacs is that they may not override default Emacs keybindings. There are four keybindings you should be aware of. Two of which are created by Sanemacs, the other two are from undo-tree. While undo-tree did "override" a default binding, it is appropriate since it is a drop-in replacement that really makes a big difference in the usability of Emacs.
Emacs command
Control + >
Indents a selection by one tab length
Control + <
De-indents a selection by one tab length
Control + /
Control + Shift + /
"Layers?" (Sane, minimal layers)
If this package gets traction, a project I would like to create is sanemacs-layers. It would be similar how Spacemacs' layers concept but will have different goals.
First, sanemacs-layers would work on any Emacs configuration, sanemacs or not.
Next, it would have a focus on sane configurations that just work, but are flexible. This would entail automatic detection settings to work for your system - configuring your PythonPath automatically as an example.